Articles in English-published on under
pen-name Đằng Vân
-The case for an International Court to adjudicate on communist crimes against humanity
-A fitting punishment for sleeping with the people’s enemy
-A slap on the face of George W Bush and John Howard
-About-face on administrative detention: interesting times ahead
-An orderly pillage of the national wealth
-Changes to CPV internal rules: too little too late!
-China: a malevolent superpower
-China’s comparative intentions in Australia and Vietnam
-Chinese belligerence giving rise to nuclear arms race in Asia
-Civil society: a basic requirement for democracy
-Communist criminal audacity
-Communist medieval justice caught by the 21ST century technology
-Communist stupidity is beyond description
-Communist vision: a nation devoid of independent lawyers
-The Communist Party of Vietnam -v- The Vietnamese People
-Democracy may have to be acquired with blood
-Dissident Nguyen Vu Binh: a case of indecent assault on human dignity
-Fighting corruption: is this for real?
-Hamas and Israel: much similarity with the Vietnam War
-Have they ever heard of the presumption of innocence?
-Ho Chi Minh City: an ideological folly
-How low can a dictatorship stoop to hang on to power?
-How the West can repay its debt to the people of Vietnam
-In the matter of The People’s Democratic Party –v- The Communist Party of Vietnam
-Is PM Nguyen Tan Dung really a lawyer?
-Is the CPV part of this world?
-It’s democracy, stupid!
-Judgment of history
-Ly Tong: the epitome of Vietnamese heroism
-Nguyen Cao Ky: an echo of failed American foreign policy
-Religion: the ogre of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)
-Should CPV leaders be sentenced to carrying shoes for Dr. Ramos-Horta of East Timor?
-Sydney APEC 2007: a meeting of leaders and three gangsters
-The case of Do Thanh Cong or the Clash between Good and Evil
-The elephant in the room: imperialist China
-The End is near
-The North Korean atomic bomb and the enduring red herrings of international politics
-The pain of our People
-The plight of the Montagnards
-The practice of state terrorism in Vietnam
-The real difference between Iraq and Vietnam
-The tears of Hillary and democracy in Vietnam
-The ultimate betrayal of the national interest
-The wrath of the people
-To condone tyranny is to aid and abet in the commission of crimes against humanity
-To criticize the Communist government is a crime, stupid!
-Tyrants without a future
-Vietnam: the end of Socialism and the rise of Nazism
-Vietnam’s new cabinet: a case of nothing new and too late
-Vietnam’s Red Army: a nightmare for the CPV
-Was Uncle Ho an incorrigible liar?
-We are different from the Chinese and “Vive La Difference”!
-What kind of beast is the Fatherland Front?
-When Ex-PM Vo Van Kiet farts
-When Vietnam communist cadres start moon gazing
-Yes! Let’s blast them into deep space
-500 shameless buffoons of Vietnam
-A historic Congress or a Congress of corruption?
-A week is a long time in politics
-Article 4: a fundamental moral disease
-Buddhism: a challenge for the Communist Party of Vietnam
-Historic land grabs or the last gasp of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)
-Dialectical contradictions
-East Wind or West Wind
-If it looks like corruption, it is corruption
-Land rights protest: CPV’s Achilles’ heel
-Let the CPV worship at the altar of the CCP
-Thailand: the return of military buffoons
-The absolute prerequisite for fighting corruption
-The rebirth of the Democratic Party of Vietnam and a basic principle of constitutionalism
-The rule of the hypocrites
-The Tragedy of Dissident Nguyen Vu Binh
-Towards a decent industrial relations system for Vietnam
-Typical Communist double talk
-Walking in the shadow of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
-What is socialist rule of law?
-When PM Nguyen Tan Dung compares himself to George Washington.
-Which dictator deserves more shoes?
-Which is the worse form of political oppression?
-WTO and the need for constitutional and legal reforms in Vietnam